
04.11.2014  10:16

龙虎网讯 据环球时报英文版报道,女权工作者叶海燕因在微博上发布自己的裸照,周六被武汉警方逮捕。通告称叶海燕因“在公共场合故意发布裸照”将被拘留10日,周五早上,数名警察在叶海燕家中将其逮捕并没收其电脑和手机。


@GlobalTimes:【女权工作者叶海燕微博发裸照被拘留】Ye Haiyan, an advocate on behalf of sex workers, was detained Saturday by police in Wuhan, Hubei Province, after publishing a nude photo of herself on her personal Sina Weibo account.

The notice said Ye will be detained for 10 days for "intentionally displaying nudity in a public place." Several police officers arrived at Ye's house Friday morning, taking Ye into custody and confiscating her computer and mobile phone.


来源: 中国广播网(北京)   编辑:丁劼

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