
09.12.2014  11:00


龙虎网讯 腐败分子携款外逃,败坏党风党纪,损害党和政府形象,破坏社会公平正义,引发群众强烈不满,必须将其绳之以法。党的十八大以来,党中央高度重视反腐败国际追逃追赃工作,作出了一系列重要部署,要求各有关部门加大工作力度,不能让国(境)外成为一些腐败分子的“避罪天堂”,不能让外逃腐败分子逍遥法外。《亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议宣言》和《二十国领导人布里斯班峰会公报》都强调了以追逃追赃为重点的反腐败国际合作。为适应工作深入发展的需要,中央纪委监察部官方网站于2014年12月9日开通专栏,广泛接受海内外举报。欢迎海内外人士对逃往国(境)外的党员和国家工作人员,及其涉嫌向国(境)外转移违法违纪资产等线索进行如实举报。我们将组织专人及时受理,并依法保护举报人权利。



CCDI/MOS Online Column to Receive Reports on

Corrupt Fugitives and Overseas Corruption Proceeds

Corrupt officials who absconded abroad with corruption proceeds have ruined the Party ethics and discipline, dishonored the Party and the government, undermined social justice, and incited public resentment. Therefore, they must be brought to justice. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee has attached great importance to fugitive repatriation and asset recovery. All competent departments are required to intensify their efforts and ensure that foreign countries and regions should not be safe havens for corrupt officials and corrupt officials should not escape from justice. The 22nd APEC Economic Leaders Declaration and G20 Leaders Communiqu Brisbane Summit record the commitment of world leaders to strengthening cooperation on corrupt fugitive repatriation and asset recovery.

Under this circumstance, on Dec 9th 2014, the Fugitive Repatriation and Asset Recovery Office of the Central Anti-Corruption Coordination Group will create a column on CCDI/MOS website to receive reports from home and abroad. Credible reports on clues of Party members and public officials who have fled or transferred suspected corruption proceeds abroad are encouraged. Specialized staff will be designated to handle the reports in a timely manner and the rights of whistleblowers will be protected in accordance with law.

来源: 中央纪委监察部网站   编辑:丁劼